Sunday, November 7, 2010

Please Don't Shoot Us!

With the beginning of the fall season and the cooler weather we have become very excited about hiking and have added camping to our hikes. The next to the last week of October we went camping at Karik Lake and couldn't help but notice the influx of camoflaged tents, campers, trucks and people. I ask David "is it hunting season yet?" "No, not til November" he replies. Okay. There were people all over the campground with bows and arrows doing practice shooting. Now these aren"t your typical cowboy and indian style bow and arrows...these are very, very large and scary bow and arrows. So I decide that we are going to have to invest in some "Please Don't Shoot Us!" hiking attire before November rolls around. Off into the woods we go a hiking and everything is fine. A few days later I discover that it is actually bow hunting season and we were traipsing around in the woods with deer crazed hunters. YIKES! Of course we didn't see any hunters or deer for that matter.

On the last day of October we headed out to Hurricane Lake for a halloween hike and we all had on our "Please Don't Shoot Us!" hiking attire. We were very bright and visible. This will continue to be our hiking outfit through hunting season. Honestly, I don't worry about the bow hunters too much because they have to be fairly close to achieve a hit. But those guys with the that is another story!

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